Fonda’s Plumbing & Heating/Air-conditioning 24 hour emergency service is a business that provides plumbing and heating/air-conditioning services to its customers. It is located at 1232 TWP 384, Sylvan Lake, AB T4S 2K9, Canada. The business hours are Sunday, Open 24 hours; Monday, Open 24 hours; Tuesday, Open 24 hours; Wednesday, Open 24 hours; Thursday, Open 24 hours; Friday (Remembrance Day), Open 24 hours; Saturday, Open 24 hours. The business provides services to both residential and commercial customers. The services offered by the business include, but are not limited to, repair and maintenance of plumbing and heating/air-conditioning systems, installation of new plumbing and heating/air-conditioning systems, and emergency services. The business is family owned and operated, and has been in business for over 30 years.
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